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Committee for Recognition of Nursing Achievement

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2,800 nurses threaten to strike at 2 Stanford hospitals


The (San Jose) Mercury News has reported that some 2,800 nurses from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford (Calif.) and Stanford  Health Care have voted to authorize their union’s leadership to call a strike after failing to reach a deal in three days of mediation with hospital administrators over wages and benefits.

Almost 2,800 nurses, represented by the Committee for Recognition of Nursing Achievement, voted for the measure. Only 49 voted against it and 490 didn’t vote, the paper reported.

Stanford Health Care and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford released a statement saying:

“The hospitals remain committed to reaching a mutually acceptable agreement and we stand ready to go back to the table to bargain collaboratively and in good faith to completion.”

Nurses have been becoming more militant around America in the past several years.


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