Cooperating for better care.

Eric J. Topol

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Data are ‘democratizing medicine’


This video is a discussion of how patient-generated data “democratizes” medicine.

Eric J. Topol, M.D., the ringleader of the talk, notes at the end: “Just to add to your point, today you Google or WebMD, or whatever you are searching, and you search about some symptoms that are subjective. Tomorrow you are searching with your data that you generated, which is specific to you. It will make these searches a lot more powerful and specific. It is data-fying medicine, making it available on a democratic basis to all, not just to doctors and the medical community.”


Video: Mukherjee’s ‘Laws of Medicine’


Medscape filmed an interview with Siddhartha Mukherjee, M.D. During the interview, Dr Mukherjee discussed his new book, The Laws of Medicine: Field Notes From an Uncertain Science (Simon & Schuster/TED Books, 2015) with Medscape Editor-in-Chief Eric J. Topol, M.D.

Here’s the transcript and video of the conversation.

As Medscape says: “Dr Mukherjee offers an insightful glimpse into the uncertainty, imperfections, priors, outliers, and biases that form his new book, The Laws of Medicine, and how these laws affect the practice of medicine.”




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