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Frederick Cerise

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Safety-net providers leading disruptive innovation

An NEJM Catalyst article and video  starring Frederick Cerise, M.D., president and CEO of Parkland Health & Hospital System, in Dallas, describes how safety-net providers are leading some disruptive innovations.

Among the remarks:

“‘The pressures of the system and the opportunities line up in a way to promote an approach to care that has been long advocated by health care policymakers,’ Cerise says. He notes how in the 1990s, Clayton Christianson {of Harvard Business School} described a model of disruptive innovation characterized by transformative changes that are lower tech, simpler, cheaper, and more convenient. These disruptive innovations are not pursued by mainstream firms focused on advancing newer technologies, but rather by those targeting a market less interesting to leading companies — in this case, the uninsured. Safety-net providers tend to focus on populations with basic needs struggling to be met.”

To read the article, please hit this link.

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