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Insurers skeptical about precision medicine’s benefits



An example of the results of automated chain-termination DNA sequencing.

Stat reported that insurers are pushing back on requests to pay for “precision medicine,” which is based on heavy use of genetic tests.

Among other things, the  payers worry that the tests could lead to care that won’t improve patient outcomes but will dramatically drive up healthcare costs. Patients and their families are likely to demand them more and more.

But FierceHealthcare reported that Gregory R. Weidner, M.D., medical director of primary care innovation and proactive health at Carolinas HealthCare System, asserted that  precision medicine goes far beyond genetics,  saying that the goal is to “individualize and personalize care based on a variety of factors, which would include their genomic profile as well as various elements of their environment, lifestyle, personal preferences.”

Fierce reported “some organizations have been arranging meetings between insurers and companies working on sequencing cancers to find some common ground.”


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