Cooperating for better care.

Gina Raimondo

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In R.I., successfully mixing liberal, conservative healthcare reform

Rhode Island State House after a post 9/11 ceremony.

David Leonhardt, writing in The New York Times, presents Rhode Island as a state that is successfully combining liberal and conservative ideas about healthcare reform.

He writes:

“Conservative health reform is not an oxymoron. Nor is bipartisan health reform. It’s possible to combine conservative and liberal ideas to cover more people while holding down costs.”

“You can find a real-world case study  in Rhode Island.”

Gov. Gina Raimondo’s “strategy has been based on the most important — and, in a strange way, most promising — fact about American health care: Much of our spending doesn’t make us healthier.”

To read the article, please hit this link.

R.I. governor seeks to cap healthcare-cost increases



Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo has launched an initiative aimed at establishing a cap on the increase in healthcare costs.

The  Providence Business News reports that her “Working Group” on the initiative “will focus on four specific goals that will be delivered to the governor in December:

  • “Develop benchmarks and a plan to establish a global health spending cap for Rhode Island.
  • “Identify an implementation plan to achieve the ’80 by ’18′ goals which tie 80 percent of healthcare payments to quality by 2018.
  • “Develop a vision for next-generation health information technology systems for all payers to improve care and reduce waste in the system.
  • “Establish performance management frameworks to achieve population health and wellness goals outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Healthy People 2020 report.”

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