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GIS increasingly used for population-health work


Private-sector health providers are increasingly using geographic information system (GIS)  software to obtain, store, analyze and display geographically referenced data.

While public-health agencies in the U.S. and elsewhere have long used GIS for understanding population-health matters, up until recently the private sector has mostly  just used it strategic planning and marketing. But  as  hospitals take on more risk for improving health outcomes and  cutting costs ,that is changing.

In a Healthcare Dive article, Danny Patel, account executive for health and human services at GIS software maker Esri, said: “As the move to accountable care and value-based payments takes hold, providers and health plans are increasingly interested in applying GIS to assess risk based on geography and the populations that live there, reveal where the greatest need is, and prioritize areas for interventions.”

To read the article, please hit this link.

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