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Hennepin County Medical Center

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5 ways to reduce hospital employees’ stress

STAT looks at five ways  in which some hospitals are trying to relieve employees’ stress:
They are:

Pressing reset

“At Hennepin County Medical Center, in Minneapolis, administrators created a ‘reset room’ where employees can grab a quiet moment to themselves or take a quick nap.”

Tapping the spiritual

“At M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, in Houston, physicians and nurses visit a prayer labyrinth to recover from a sad or stressful episode in the facility….”

Arts, craft, and live music“Hospital arts programs are going beyond pinning a few colorful paintings on the walls.

“At MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, in Washington, D.C., nurses and doctors listen to live music, dance, and work on a wide range of projects, from bracelet making to creative writing. Julia Langley, director of the hospital’s Lombardi Arts & Humanities Program, said it is crucial for front-line caregivers to have a creative outlet.”

Taking a deep breath

“Hospitals are also placing a greater emphasis on physical activity for staff members. Instead of just opening a gym in the basement, many administrators are finding ways to incorporate exercise into the work day.”

Relieving information overload

“Cleveland Clinic administrators are targeting a primary source of stress for physicians: the electronic medical records system.

Record-keeping requirements force most physicians to spend more time working on computers than treating patients, which is not why they joined the profession, said Dr. Sumita Khatri, of the Cleveland Clinic Pathobiology Department.

“Dr. Khatri is working with a panel of physicians to redesign daily workflow to help relieve the burden of record-keeping requirements. The effort involves creating customized software and delegating some EMR work to physician’s assistants, among others. ”

To read the STAT story, please hit this link.

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