In a Governing magazine news article, CMS Administrator Seema Verma discusses how she would like to make Medicaid recipients take more personal responsibility, including by CMS imposing work requirements across America.
She’s already implementing changes that could remake how America cares for its poorest citizens for decades to come. And she may well become the next secretary of health and human services.
“The goal of the program should be to help people rise out of poverty,” Ms. Verma told Governing. For able-bodied adults, the program should be “a stepping stone, not a long-term plan. We should be aiming higher.”
But, reports Governing, “{M}any critics simply don’t agree that work requirements and other mandates have any place in a health-care plan.”
”Medicaid’s purpose is not to encourage employment or train people. That’s the Department of Labor’s job,” Jessica Schubel, Medicaid policy expert with the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, told the magazine.
To read the full article, please hit this link.