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Tenn. weighs changing Medicaid mental-healthcare




Officials of TennCare, the Tennessee Medicaid program, seek to reform mental- and behavioral-health treatment under its 2016 budget.

The Nashville Tennessean reported that TennCare is proposing implementing ”an evaluation mechanism for people receiving mental health treatment under the bureau’s Level 2 case management classification. People under this categorization receive visits from case managers in addition to therapy or other treatments, such as medication.”

”The proposed changes would institute a review after three months to evaluate whether case manager visits are needed rather than everyone receiving visits, said Keith Gaither manager of managed-care organization (MCO) operations at TennCare.”

”Gaither said that the MCOs have been looking at this category of patients for more than two years to determine whether there was a way to tailor treatment on a case-by-case basis rather than extending the case management to everyone.”

It is unclear what impact all this might have on hospitals and Federally Qualified Health Centers.





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