McKesson Health Solutions, a Newton, Mass.-based division of McKesson Corp., introduced the McKesson Intelligence Hub, an inter-operability system that focuses on reimbursement and payment. McKesson’s product may be unusual because it’s meant to boost value-based care.
The McKesson Intelligence Hub is targeting the payer market, said Amy Larsson, R.N., vice president of clinica-claims management at McKesson Health Solutions.
Intelligence Hub connects various reimbursement-related technologies from McKesson and other vendors. MedCity News reports that it’s “based on open standards such as Health Level Seven International’s Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR). The cloud-based hub is backed by identity/access management as well as by management of application programming interfaces to third-party applications.”
“This is to support value-based care,” Ms. Larsson t0ld MedCity News. “This is a fundamental component.”
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