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IOM on how to avoid misdiagnoses


The Institute of Medicine, noting that most patients suffer from at least one case of misdiagnosis, has come up with eight goals in combating them. The report linked here provides detailed recommendations on how to achieve those goals.

Goal 1: Facilitate more effective teamwork in the diagnostic process among healthcare professionals, patients and their families.
Goal 2: Enhance healthcare professional education and training in the diagnostic process.
Goal 3: Ensure that health information technologies support patients and health care professionals in the diagnostic process.
Goal 4: Develop and deploy approaches to identify, learn from, and reduce diagnostic errors and near misses in clinical practice.
Goal 5: Establish a work system and culture that supports the diagnostic process and improvements in diagnostic performance.
Goal 6: Develop a reporting environment and medical-liability system that facilitates improved diagnosis by learning from diagnostic
errors and near misses.
Goal 7: Design a payment and care-delivery environment that supports the diagnostic process.
Goal 8: Provide dedicated funding for research on the diagnostic process and diagnostic errors.




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