Cooperating for better care.

Tom Schramski

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Questions to ask when private-equity firms come fishing


Becker’s Hospital Review notes that “Private equity investment in healthcare has grown considerably in recent years, with global healthcare private equity deals doubling from 2010 to 2011, according to KPMG. In 2014, strategic merger and acquisition deal value in the healthcare industry nearly doubled from 2013, according to Bain & Co.’s 2015 Global Healthcare Private Equity Report.”

Tom Schramski, Ph.D., is a certified M&A advisor who is president and managing partner of Vertess Advisors, which  provides advisory and consultation services to healthcare and human-service organizations.

Becker’s asked him these questions (you’ll find his answers in the link)  for the benefit of hospital executives and boards considering  selling their institutions to private-equity firms.

“What are the biggest trends you’re seeing in healthcare M&A today? What are the drivers behind those trends?

“In what situations should a healthcare company consider a private equity group as a buyer? Are there any situations where they shouldn’t?

“What are some of the key considerations for healthcare companies looking to sell to a private equity group or any other buyer?”





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