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Winnebago (Neb.) Indian Health Service Hospital

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Another hospital loses Medicare


Medicare will stop doing business with another hospital. This time it’s Winnebago (Neb.) Indian Health Service Hospital, But the facility’s officials say they plan to keep it open, at least for now.

Becker’s Hospital Review reports  “The funding cutoff was due to a CMS finding that the facility put its patients in ‘immediate jeopardy, which led to the death of one person earlier this year. A May CMS report cited the case of a patient who was sent home from {the hospital}  after complaining of exteme back pain on Dec. 30, 2014. A hospital staff member subsequently called the patient and left him a voicemail telling him his kidneys were failing, but the hospital made no other attempt to contact the patient about his condition. The patient died Jan. 1, 2015, according to a Lincoln Journal Star report. CMS also found the hospital provided inadequate treatment to at least nine other patients.”

In part because of the Affordable Care Act, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is cracking down/


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