Preparing for a hanging.
Modern Healthcare wrote: Donald Trump’s victory on Nov. 8 “will force a major shift in the healthcare industry’s thinking about its future. Combined with the GOP’s retention of control of the Senate and the House, a Trump presidency enables conservatives to repeal or roll back the Affordable Care Act and implement at least some of the proposals outlined in the GOP party platform and the recent House Republican leadership white paper on healthcare.
“{T}he maintenance of Republican control over both the White House and Congress “most likely means an end to the expansion of Medicaid to the 19 states that have not yet implemented it, and puts the expansion in the other 31 states in serious jeopardy.”
“But there are divisions even among conservatives over issues such as Medicare restructuring and how to help Americans afford health insurance. And Senate Democrats almost certainly would try to use their filibuster power to block major ACA changes.”
To read all of Modern Healthcare’s post-mortem, please hit this link.