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Video: ‘Infrastructure’ before ‘culture’

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In a NEJM Catalyst video, Brent James, M.D., vice president and chief quality officer for Intermountain Healthcare in Utah, says that ” infrastructure” lays the foundation for institutional “culture,” and that it can act as a tool for reducing stress and increasing resilience in the care-delivery workforce.

By “infrastructure” he means  such things as workflow and clinical processes, transparency into interactions with patients and information technology. “In your role as a {physician} leader, the infrastructure that you create is your hand that reaches beyond the organizational grid. It will last long after you are gone, far longer than anything else you do. You can create an environment that changes the future.”

“Clinicians are the only ones who have fundamental knowledge about the workflows that define their care. But they don’t control the systems that set the context within which they work. The key question for a leader is, how do we make it easy for them to do it right?”

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