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White House releases cybersecurity guidelines for precision medicine

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The Obama administration released its guidelines for establishing security expectations for organizations that participate in the Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI).

“The 10-page framework, which builds on the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s cybersecurity framework, is intended to be adaptable to the various participating PMI groups and is aimed at providing a broad framework for protecting data and transparency,’’ HealthcareDIVE reported.

It said that the framework includes eight overarching principles:

  • Setting a ‘participants first’ orientation that engenders trust.
  • Ensuring that security processes are adaptable to keep pace with technological advances.
  • Seeking to preserve data integrity.
  • Identifying key risks to security, while enabling research to progress.
  • Developing clear expectations and transparency around security processes.
  • Ensuring that security controls protect data, while maintaining access to those who need the data.
  • Minimizing exposure of participant data.
  • Sharing experiences and challenges with other PMI organizations.

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