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A Conn. FQHC chief see great opportunities in PMI

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Mark Masselli, founder and CEO of Community Health Center Inc., in Connecticut, says that the Precision Medicine Initiative presents great opportunities for it.

When CHC heard  that its name was on the list of six Federally Qualified Health Centers tapped to participate in the PMI Cohort Program, everyone at CHC was very excited, Mr. Masselli said to FierceHealthIT.

“It’s a really seminal research project, and we have been keeping an eye on the message [former President] Obama has laid out around the value of doing this.”

CHC operates  at 200 locations in Connecticut,  primarily caring for special populations who live in poverty. Mr. Masselli noted that the community is very   ethnically diverse.

Fierce reported  “that as part of the early trial for the PMI Cohort, CHC will help examine problems that may be faced as recruitment of patients starts, and how to scale the program up without facing barriers.”

“We’re sort of guinea pigs. We’re going to be poked and prodded and really think critically about what is an enormously exciting opportunity.”

CHC  has its own research arm called the Weitzman Institute, which, Mr. Masselli said, is unique among health centers and does a lot of work with scientific evidence and rigor to improve  primary care.

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