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Data called the best mental-health safety net



Herewith a look at how technology can help patients navigate what Jen Hyattt, founder and chief executive of Big White Wall, calls the “thin line between being mentally and emotionally well and mentally and emotionally unwell.”  Big White Wall is a digital mental-health and well-being service.

She cites three kinds of safety net that technology can provide for mental and emotional health.

Community:  As Med City News summarizes: “Users can discuss their issues with like-minded people, participate in therapy groups or even have one-on-one sessions with behavioral health professionals. To increase the feeling of being welcome, Big White Wall provides birthday reminders like a social network.”

Clinical: White Wall uses  the automation of such clinical functions such as behavior assessments, and better algorithms,  which let one clinician manage 1,500 people.

Data: “The previous two kinds of safety net “are driven by the most powerful safety net of all, and that it data,” Ms. Hyatt said.

These data  can help predict scores for anxiety or depression with fairly high accuracy, helping to stratify risk and find appropriate support and treatment.



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