Cooperating for better care.

Arthur Caplan

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Should Medicaid be only for the ‘deserving poor’?


Video: Medical ethicist Arthur Caplan looks at whether Medicaid should only be for the “deserving poor.”

Among his observations:

“I do not want to means-test this issue, and I do not want a test that is mean. I do not want to be saying that only the “deserving” poor should get medical assistance. I still see basic healthcare as a right that we should give to everyone. We should figure out how to pay for it, levy taxes, figure out whether it is best provided by insurance. Not everyone will qualify for cosmetic surgery; not everyone goes to the spa; not everyone gets to travel to the faraway hospital. But surgery for broken bones and taking out your gallbladder, and making sure you can see, hear, chew, and walk, ought to be the right of every American because it is the only way to assure that, in a capitalist society, people can work, people can compete, and people can use their capacities and abilities to the fullest.

“Let’s not get mean about Medicaid; let’s get sensible about it. Let’s provide it so that people are able to work.”

To hear the video, please hit this link.

Video: Should dissatisfied patients get their money back?



In this video/text, Arthur Caplan, Ph.D., of the Division of Medical Ethics at the New York University Langone Medical Center discusses whether patients should get their money back if they’re dissatisfied with their hospital experience.

He generally likes the idea, which has been most famously promoted by the often cutting-edge Geisinger Health System, in central Pennsylvania, but adds this caveat:

“My only reservation is whether patients start to think more about such matters as how long they waited to get their car back from the valet or how long they had to sit in the waiting room, rather than asking hard questions about the actual care they received, by diverting them more to the frosting and away from the cake of whether we did a good job of providing care.

“However, putting that aside—and it’s not a small matter to put aside—part of healthcare is making sure the experience is satisfactory to the customer. And if money-back guarantees can make that experience better, then I guess I’m for it.”

To watch the video, please hit this link.

Video: When families and physicians disagree


Video: Famed medical ethicist Arthur Caplan talks with Nancy Neveloff Dubler, one of the founders of clinical-ethics consultation, about bringing in medical ethicists when there are issues between physicians and families of patients that may require medication and about what constitutes a clinical- ethics consultation.


She calls it the “attempt by someone trained in principles of bioethics and in facilitating discussion—I argue they also need techniques of mediation—to help patients, families, and staff agree upon a care plan when there’s disagreement and conflict.”

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