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Cleveland FQHC launching mobile health clinic


In what an increasing number of Federally Qualified Health Centers  (FQHC’s) will probably be doing, Neighborhood Family Practice (NFP), a Cleveland FQHC with four locations, has partnered with the Cleveland Municipal School District to launch its first school-based mobile health clinic.

“A nurse practitioner, medical assistant and other staff from NFP will provide primary care to children at the school one morning per week, bringing to 12 the number of Cleveland schools that now provide the service,” the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported.

The Cleveland Clinic had already launched a school-based mobile health unit, which began serving inner-ring suburbs in December.

The Plain Dealer reported that the NFP program ”will also be run out of a mobile unit — the city of Cleveland is providing its MomsFirst mobile unit to NFP for the clinic for a nominal fee — though the health center is looking for permanent space at the school. NFP plans to offer a second clinic to students” next fall.

“With parent or guardian consent, kids at schools served by the mobile clinics can receive primary and preventive healthcare — services like vaccinations, well-child visits, help managing medications for conditions such as asthma and diabetes, and referrals to other services.”


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