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National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants

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Median salary rises to nearly $100,000 for PAs


With the aging of the population and Medicaid and other health-insurance expansion under the Affordable Care Act,  U.S. physician assistant compensation has risen to a median of almost $100,000 on average across the U.S. amid a nationwide shortage of physicians.

A new state-by-state statistical profile of the profession from the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants  found that the median PA salary was $95,000 for 2014, the most recent  full year that such information is available.

Forbes noted that the salaries ”are rising even faster in certain areas of the U.S. for physician assistants, known in the industry, according to the commission, which certifies physician assistants. PAs in California, Connecticut, Minnesota, Arizona and Alaska have a median salary of $105,000.

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