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opioid addiction

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For a ‘Cascade of Care’ model for treating opioid addiction

Authors of a Health Affairs article are touting the  “Cascade of Care” framework  used for HIV treatment as a model for treating opioid addiction.  They write:

“Like HIV, opioid use disorder is a chronic, relapsing, often fatal disorder that typically requires long-term medication treatment to be effective. Similar to the goal of achieving HIV viral suppression, combating opioid overdose requires success along sequential stages, from screening and detection of opioid use disorder, to linkage to care, to medication initiation, and long-term retention.

‘The HIV Cascade of Care has served as an organizing framework by codifying quality outcome measures at each stage along the cascade, targeting interventions to overcome barriers, and comparing effectiveness of interventions across populations and settings.”

They propose these fundamental approaches:

  1. Linkage to care among those diagnosed.
  2. Medication initiation among those entering care.
  3. Retention for at least six months among those initiating medication.
  4. Continuous abstinence among those retained.

To read the article, please hit this link.

Insurers might reap bonanza from value-based mental-health focus

Bruce Japsen writes in Forbes that:

“News that one of the nation’s largest health-insurance companies is pursuing an evidence-based approach to substance abuse treatment and opioid addiction could potentially speed up the slow march away from fee-for-service mental-health treatment.

“But Cigna CI +0.33% and other health insurers that escalate their shift to value-based payments could reap a potential bonanza by reimbursing psychiatrists and other mental- health providers based on how they improve the care of their patients, mental-health advocates say.”

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