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The Big Heist

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‘The Big Heist,’ a movie,will take apart healthcare execs


A movie now in pre-production called The Big Heist denounces healthcare executives and blames them for middle-class economic stagnation. The filmmakers cite fraud and short-sighted thinking.

The healthcare industry has so far mostly escaped furious documentaries that  might have blamed it for substandard quality, bankrupting people, and general economic malaise.

The film is being bankrolled by executive producer Dave Chase, an author and venture capitalist, who founded Microsoft’s healthcare business unit and Avado, a cloud-based patient-relationship management solution, acquired by WebMD in 2013.

HealthLeaders Media reports says Mr. Chase calls the movie a cross between The Big Short, about what led to the Great Crash of 2008, and  An Inconvenient Truth, about global warming. He hopes that by “following the money,” the movie will, in the news service’s words, “expose the perverse incentives that maintain the status quo: a far from optimal healthcare experience that harms people and costs way too much money.”

The news outlet reports: “Much of the film’s satirical focus will be on how the status quo remains so, from federal lobbying to the construction of the employer-based health insurance model, to the broker-insurance dynamic, which Chase insists is completely disincented to reduce healthcare costs because profits depend on a getting a share of the cost pie. The only way to grow profits is to grow the pie.

“The disaster of the middle class is the employer-based health insurance model,” Mr.  Chase says.

“{W}ith the power of  ‘somebody else is paying’ and the lack of focus by CEOs on getting value for their healthcare expenditures, costs blew up. Then companies started pushing costs directly onto employees through high deductible health plans,” HealthLeaders Media says, paraphrasing Mr. Chase.

To read the entire article, please hit this link.

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