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At Mayo, ‘forcing’ participants in ‘action-learning’ program to collaborate

The dramatic Plummer Building at the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, N.Y.

— Photo by I, Jonathunder

A NEJM Catalyst report looked at an example of “action learning” for healthcare-leadership development at the Mayo Clinic. The authors write:

“In September 2015, Mayo Clinic embarked on an action-learning program called ‘Fresh Eye’  involving a group of 30 participants comprising physicians, scientists, administrators, and nursing leaders in the leadership succession talent pool. The program objectives were to develop strategic thinkers who would be able to effectively lead in the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world of the healthcare industry.”

Among the article’s conclusions:

“We found that the Fresh Eyes action-learning program ‘forced’ participants to network and to collaborate with team members in ways that would not otherwise have occurred to them. During the course of the program, participants had the opportunity to talk about the guiding values and principles of the organization. Some physicians confessed that they initially felt uncomfortable having to share their individual development goals and engage in open reflection with people they did not know, but they also noted that they eventually became more comfortable as the team members built a level of trust with one another.”

To read the article, please hit this link.



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