Cooperating for better care.

Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center

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When Millennials are at the helm


Lynn McVey, chief operating officer of Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center, in New Jersey, writes about how Millennials might improve the future leadership of hospitals.

We suspect that both their cultural assets and drawbacks will be seen as exaggerated when they confront the cold reality of running healthcare organizations — as will be the technologies that they are so comfortable with.



Three cheers for precision


In a Hospital Impact  blog,  “Benefits of Data-Driven Healthcare,” Lynn McVeychief operating officer of Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center, an acute care, 230-bed hospital in New Jersey, writes:

“When asked how their departments are running, an emotionally based manager will answer, ‘Morale is high, patients don’t wait, doctors are happy,’ whereas an evidence-based manager will answer, ‘HCAHPS scores have risen 15 percent in last 12 months, expenses are down 12 percent, revenues increased 4 percent, and CORE measures are 10 percent better than last year.”’



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