Cooperating for better care.

Reza Mahdavi

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Ex-Cisco exec/new CMG adviser talks about the centrality of bundled payments


CMG chatted with one of its relatively new senior advisers, Reza Mahdavi, the other day. Mr. Mahdavi is a well known international executive, technologist and consultant who has brought to CMG a rich mix of business and applied-technology experience.

He helps to make process analytics and patient-specific data swiftly available and understandable to clients. CMG is integrating Mr. Mahdavi’s experience with existing CMG services to guide client teams launching bundled episodes of health services and further focus on improving clinicians’ effective use of software.

Mr. Mahdavi told us: “We at CMG believe that implementing and refining bundled-care programs {a CMG specialty} will be the main tool for addressing payers’ (especially CMS’s) value-based mandates. ‘’ CMG early on understood the clinical and organizational-economics implications of bundled care, which is now rapidly being expanded from the orthopedic sector, where it started, to such other areas as cardiology.

Mr. Mahdavi is probably best known for his work at Cisco Systems, where, among other duties, he led the company’s sales and service operations in developing nations. In this post, he helped make the Developing World the company’s highest growth region. For three years running he was named Cisco’s vice president of the year.

Mr. Mahdavi said he was drawn to work with Cambridge Management Group, founded back in 1985, because of its “deep knowledge of healthcare’s unique organizational structures and collaborative needs and the emotional intelligence of CMG senior advisers in working with clinicians and healthcare executives. CMG understands the mindsets of people working in healthcare.’’ Given that its staff comprise a mix of people with lengthy clinical and/or executive experience that’s not surprising.

“No organization that I am aware of has such knowledge of the structure and language of healthcare institutions and expertise in facilitating interactions among clinicians and others in healthcare while improving hospitals’ bottom lines.

“CMG has a well-known ability to help get clinicians, famous for their desire for maximum autotomy, to realign their work to address the new organizational and process demands of healthcare reform.

“Healthcare has not been good at creating efficient and cost-effective organizational structures because, in part, clinicians, are used to a great deal of independence.

“And healthcare institutions have tended to mold themselves around the needs and wants of clinicians more than around patients. At Cisco, it was the other way around: We molded our organization around the needs and wants of the customers.’’

But now there’s “‘patient-centered care,’ pushed by payers and patients newly empowered by access to vast amounts of comparative information. Cambridge Management has been in the forefront of this change, armed with its more than three decades of experience in working very closely with hospital executives and clinicians.

“This knowledge helps CMG help institutions meet the demands of new government-mandated value-based reimbursement systems by structuring the most efficient bundled-care systems for improving medical outcomes while ensuring the long-term financial health of hospitals and other healthcare institutions. ‘’

Executive and technologist Reza Mahdavi joins CMG


Reza Mahdavi, a seasoned  and highly successful executive, technologist and consultant with an extraordinary mix of business and applied-technology experience and results, has joined Cambridge Management Group (CMG) as a senior adviser.

Client leaders and project teams benefit from his emotional intelligence and resilient energy. He is both an award-winning manager and a highly effective teacher.

He brings these strengths to help CMG clients increase customer use of clients’ health services, software and related services. He helps to make process analytics and patient-specific data swiftly available and understandable to clients. CMG is integrating Mr. Mahdavi’s experience with existing CMG services to guide client teams launching bundled episodes of health services and further focus on improving clinicians’ effective use of software.

Mr. Mahdavi is celebrated for his ability to help clients use integrated platforms and other technology with ease and with maximum effectiveness. In doing so, he assists healthcare organizations as they learn to develop a seamless experience for patients and providers.

He notes: “Healthcare will be impacted in ways that we can’t possibly imagine today. The culture change involved in getting us from here to there is my interest. I have spent my life understanding cultures of organizations and what moves people to do what they do. I focus on guiding customers to best use the technologies that will help them prosper.’’

Reza Mahdavi has been an executive at five high-technology companies – Cisco Systems Inc.;; Actility Inc.; Anevia Group Inc., and Ipanema Technologies Inc. In all his posts he has shown very strong management, sales and planning capabilities even as he has kept up to the minute in new technology.

He is probably best known for his work at Cisco Systems, where, among other duties, he led the company’s sales and service operations in developing nations. In this post, he helped make the region the company’s highest growth region in the world. And so for three years running he was named Cisco’s vice president of the year.

As Cisco’s vice president for corporate affairs and general manager of its Global Learning Network he created a team from engineering, product management, product marketing, service and consulting who created a program to make Cisco synonymous with education. Mr. Mahdavi’s teaching/consulting skills made this particularly appropriate.

Reza Mahdavi, who is based in Cambridge, Mass., and Paris, has a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from Bridgewater State University, in Massachusetts, and an executive MBA from the Stanford Business School.

Contact Info

(617) 230-4965

Wellesley, MA