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value-based payment models

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Tech issues stand in way of making CMS payment models work well

This is from FierceHealthcare:

“As providers gear up to participate in CMS’s revamped payment models, one major hurdle stands in the way for many: technology.

“Deirdre Baggot, Ph.D., a healthcare business strategist who has worked with more than 200 hospitals to implement value-based payment models, told FierceHealthcare in an interview that fee-for-service healthcare didn’t really require providers to manage large data sets the way that new advanced payment models do.

“Even as providers invest in better electronic health records and other technological upgrades, plenty of the work and data remains in silos, making it hard to access and use effectively, she said. ”

To read the whole article, please hit this link.


Fitch: Trump could hurt hospitals’ credit ratings


Medieval butcher shop in Europe.

A Fitch Ratings report says that President-elect Donald Trump’s stated intention to  dismantle the Affordable Care Act will hurt the credit ratings of hospitals and health systems.

Fitch  says that the ACA has helped  hospitals by sending them higher volumes of insured patients, which  would drop if the ACA is repealed or  dramatically changed.

Fitch also noted  that repeal could  slow the transition to value-based payment models and cause fewer people to keep prescription coverage, which would, of course, hurt  the pharmaceutical industry.

To read the Fitch report, please hit this link.

For a ‘value-management office’


This Harvard Business School article says that hospital executive suites need a “value-management office.”

The article says that such an office “can greatly enhance an institution’s ability to improve outcomes and costs across the enterprise. At a minimum, it can serve as a center of excellence to assist decentralized clinical units in outcomes and cost measurement and management, set priorities for continuous improvement projects, facilitate the creation of value-based payment models with insurers and employers, and ensure that new information technology platforms are aligned with the value agenda.”

















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